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Get Database Timezone


Output the current database timezone in UTC standard

Get Database Datetime


Output the current database date and time in the format Y-m-d H:i:s

Convert Datetime to Database Timezone

DateHelper::fresnsDateTimeToDatabaseTimezone($datetime, $timezone, $langTag);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
datetimeStringoptionalY-m-d H:i:s Datetime value
timezoneStringoptionalThis timezone is the UTC timezone for the datetime parameter
langTagStringoptionalOutputs the time format in the specified language
configs->item_key=language_menus language tag's dateFormat parameter
If not provided, the default language format will be used

Convert the datetime in the timezone to the date and time in the current database timezone

Get Datetime by Specified Timezone

DateHelper::fresnsDateTimeByTimezone($datetime, $timezone, $langTag);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
datetimeStringoptionalY-m-d H:i:s time value defaults to database time
timezoneStringoptionalConverts the time value of the datetime parameter into the timezone UTC timezone
langTagStringoptionalOutputs the time format in the specified language
configs->item_key=language_menus language tag's dateFormat parameter
If not provided, the default language format will be used
Logic Notes
    1. Get the current database timezone
    • 1.1. If the database timezone is the same as the passed timezone, terminate the process and output the datetime parameter as is.
    • 1.2. If the database timezone is different from the passed timezone, continue the process.
    1. Convert the passed datetime to the time in the passed timezone based on the database timezone and output it.
  • Output format: Y-m-d H:i:s

Get Time by Specified Timezone

DateHelper::fresnsTimeByTimezone($time, $timezone);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
timeStringoptionalH:i time value, default to database time
timezoneStringoptionalConverts the time value of the time parameter into the timezone UTC timezone

Format Time Output by Timezone and Language Tag

DateHelper::fresnsFormatDateTime($datetime, $timezone, $langTag);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
datetimeStringoptionalY-m-d H:i:s time value defaults to database time
timezoneStringoptionalConverts the time value of the datetime parameter into the timezone UTC timezone
langTagStringoptionalOutputs the time format in the specified language
configs->item_key=language_menus language tag's dateFormat parameter
If not provided, the default language format will be used
Logic Notes
  • If the data's timezone time and the current datetime parameter are on the same day, output as hh:mm
  • If not on the same day but in the same year, output in the corresponding language label format, such as mm-dd hh:mm or mm/dd hh:mm
  • If not on the same day and not in the same year, output in the corresponding language label format, such as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm

Convert Time Format by Language Tag

DateHelper::fresnsFormatConversion($datetime, $langTag);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
datetimeStringoptionalY-m-d H:i:s
langTagStringoptionalOutputs the time format in the specified language
configs->item_key=language_menus language tag's dateFormat parameter
If not provided, the default language format will be used

Humanize Time Output by Language Tag

DateHelper::fresnsHumanReadableTime($datetime, $langTag);
Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
datetimeStringrequiredY-m-d H:i:s time value defaults to database time
langTagStringoptionalCorresponds to configs table language_menus key name key value timeFormat* configuration.
- timeFormatMinute
- timeFormatHour
- timeFormatDay
- timeFormatMonth
If not provided, the default language format will be used
Logic Notes
  • Logic
      1. Get the current time of the database;
      1. Subtract the datetime parameter from the current database time to get the time difference;
      1. Convert the time difference into human-readable time output.
  • Scenarios
    • Time is within 60 minutes (including seconds within 1 minute), output as "minutes" value, client usage scenario is n minutes ago
    • Time exceeds 60 minutes, but within 24 hours, output as "hours" value, client usage scenario is n hours ago
    • Time exceeds 24 hours, but within 30 days, output as "days" value, client usage scenario is n days ago
    • Time exceeds 30 days, but within 365 days, output as "months" value, client usage scenario is n months ago

Released under the Apache-2.0 License