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Plugin Artisan


php artisan fresns                  // Enter Plugin Development Mode

fresns plugin                       // View All Commands
fresns plugin:list                  // View All Installed Plugins
fresns new                          // Generate A New Plugin
fresns enter                        // Go to plugin directory
fresns back                         // Back to the fresns root directory

// Development
fresns make:command                 // Generate Plugin Command
fresns make:migration               // Generate Plugin Migration
fresns make:seed                    // Generate Plugin Seed
fresns make:factory                 // Generate Plugin Factory
fresns make:provider                // Generate Plugin Provider
fresns make:controller              // Generate Plugin Controller
fresns make:model                   // Generate Plugin Model
fresns make:middleware              // Generate Plugin Middleware
fresns make:dto                     // Generate Plugin DTO (fresns/dto)
fresns make:mail                    // Generate Plugin Mail
fresns make:notification            // Generate Plugin Notification
fresns make:listener                // Generate Plugin Listener
fresns make:request                 // Generate Plugin Request
fresns make:event                   // Generate Plugin Event
fresns make:job                     // Generate Plugin Job
fresns make:policy                  // Generate Plugin Policy
fresns make:rule                    // Generate Plugin Rule
fresns make:resource                // Generate Plugin Resource
fresns make:test                    // Generate Plugin Test
fresns make:schedule-provider       // Generate Plugin Schedule Provider
fresns make:event-provider          // Generate Plugin Event Provider
fresns make:sql-provider            // Generate Plugin SQL Provider
fresns make:cmdword-provider        // Generate Plugin Command Word Provider (fresns/cmd-word-manager)

// Control
fresns plugin:unzip                 // Unzip the plugin package to the plugin directory: /extensions/plugins/{fskey}/
fresns plugin:publish               // Publish Plugin (static resources): /public/assets/plugins/{fskey}/
fresns plugin:unpublish             // Unpublish (remove static resources)
fresns plugin:composer-update       // Update Plugin Composer Package
fresns plugin:migrate               // Run Plugin Migrate
fresns plugin:migrate-rollback      // Rollback Plugin Migrate
fresns plugin:migrate-refresh       // Refresh Plugin Migrate
fresns plugin:migrate-reset         // Reset Plugin Migrate
fresns plugin:seed                  // Run Plugin Seed
fresns plugin:install               // Install Plugin (Run the unzip/publish/composer-update/migrate command in sequence)
fresns plugin:uninstall             // Uninstall Plugin

// Management
fresns plugin:activate              // Activate Plugin
fresns plugin:deactivate            // Deactivate Plugin

Plugin control and management commands are also supported in the Artisan way.

// Artisan Control
php artisan plugin:unzip            // Unzip the plugin package to the plugin directory: /extensions/plugins/{fskey}/
php artisan plugin:publish          // Publish Plugin (static resources): /public/assets/plugins/{fskey}/
php artisan plugin:unpublish        // Unpublish (remove static resources)
php artisan plugin:composer-update  // Update Plugin Composer Package
php artisan plugin:migrate          // Run Plugin Migrate
php artisan plugin:migrate-rollback // Rollback Plugin Migrate
php artisan plugin:migrate-refresh  // Refresh Plugin Migrate
php artisan plugin:migrate-reset    // Reset Plugin Migrate
php artisan plugin:seed             // Run Plugin Seed
php artisan plugin:install          // Install Plugin (Run the unzip/publish/composer-update/migrate command in sequence)
php artisan plugin:uninstall        // Uninstall Plugin

// Artisan Management
php artisan plugin:activate         // Activate Plugin
php artisan plugin:deactivate       // Deactivate Plugin

Command Usage Flow

When using plug-in instructions, you need to enable the development mode first, then enter the plug-in directory, and directly use the instructions in the plug-in directory.

    1. Enable development mode
php artisan fresns
    1. Introduce the project path (auto-identify, just enter)
export /path/to/project/vendor/bin
    1. Go to the plugin directory
fresns new DemoPlugin       // Create a plugin called DemoPlugin

fresns enter DemoPlugin     // Go to the plugin DemoPlugin directory

fresns back                 // Back to the fresns root directory
    1. Execute development, management, and control commands in the plugin directory


Generate a new plugin.

fresns plugin:make DemoPlugin
# or
fresns new DemoPlugin


Generate Plugin Command

Generate the given console command for the specified plugin.

fresns make:command CreateDemoCommand

Generate Plugin Migration

Generate a migration for specified plugin.

fresns make:migration create_demos_table

Generate Plugin Seed

Generate the given seed name for the specified plugin.

fresns make:seed seed_fake_demos

Generate Plugin Factory

Generate the given database factory for the specified plugin.

fresns make:factory FactoryName

Generate Plugin Provider

Generate the given service provider name for the specified plugin.

fresns make:provider DemoServiceProvider

Generate Plugin Controller

Generate a controller for the specified plugin.

fresns make:controller PostsController

Generate Plugin Model

Generate the given model for the specified plugin.

fresns make:model Post

Optional options:

  • --fillable=field1,field2: set the fillable fields on the generated model
  • --migration, -m: create the migration file for the given model

Generate Plugin Middleware

Generate the given middleware name for the specified plugin.

fresns make:middleware CanReadPostsMiddleware

Generate Plugin DTO

Generate a DTO(data transfer object) for specified plugin.

fresns make:dto VerifySignDTO

Generate Plugin Mail

Generate the given mail class for the specified plugin.

fresns make:mail SendWeeklyPostsEmail

Generate Plugin Notification

Generate the given notification class name for the specified plugin.

fresns make:notification NotificationAdminOfNewComment

Generate Plugin Listener

Generate the given listener for the specified plugin. Optionally you can specify which event class it should listen to. It also accepts a --queued flag allowed queued event listeners.

fresns make:listener NotificationUsersOfANewPost

fresns make:listener NotificationUsersOfANewPost --event=PostWasCreated

fresns make:listener NotificationUsersOfANewPost --event=PostWasCreated --queued

Generate Plugin Request

Generate the given request for the specified plugin.

fresns make:request CreatePostRequest

Generate Plugin Event

Generate the given event for the specified plugin.

fresns make:event BlogPostWasUpdated

Generate Plugin Job

Generate the given job for the specified plugin.

fresns make:job JobName

//A synchronous job class
fresns make:job JobName --sync

Generate Plugin Policy

Generate the given policy class for the specified plugin.

The Policies is not generated by default when creating a new plugin. Change the value of paths.generator.policies in plugins.php to your desired location.

fresns make:policy PolicyName

Generate Plugin Rule

Generate the given validation rule class for the specified plugin.

The Rules folder is not generated by default when creating a new plugin. Change the value of paths.generator.rules in plugins.php to your desired location.

fresns make:rule ValidationRule

Generate Plugin Resource

Generate the given resource class for the specified plugin. It can have an optional --collection argument to generate a resource collection.

The Transformers folder is not generated by default when creating a new plugin. Change the value of paths.generator.resource in plugins.php to your desired location.

fresns make:resource PostResource

fresns make:resource PostResource --collection

Generate Plugin Test

Generate the given test class for the specified plugin.

fresns make:test EloquentPostRepositoryTest

Generate Plugin Schedule Provider

Generate a console service provider for specified plugin.

fresns make:console-provider

Generate Plugin Event Provider

Generate a event provider for specified plugin.

fresns make:event-provider
  • You need to add it yourself to the providers parameter of plugin.json.

Generate Plugin SQL Provider

Generate a sql provider for specified plugin.

fresns make:sql-provider
  • You need to add it yourself to the providers parameter of plugin.json.

Generate Plugin Command Word Provider

Generate a cmd word service provider for specified plugin.

fresns make:cmdword-provider
  • You need to add it yourself to the providers parameter of plugin.json.


Unzip The Plugin Package

Unzip the plugin files into the /plugins/ directory, the final directory will be /plugins/{fskey}/.

fresns plugin:unzip /www/wwwroot/fresns/storage/plugins/

// or

php artisan plugin:unzip /www/wwwroot/fresns/storage/plugins/

Publish Plugin

Publish static resources for the plugin DemoPlugin.

fresns plugin:publish

// or

php artisan plugin:publish DemoPlugin
  • /plugins/DemoPlugin/Resources/assets/ Distribute to web directories /public/assets/plugins/DemoPlugin/


Unpublish static resources for the plugin DemoPlugin.

fresns plugin:unpublish

// or

php artisan plugin:unpublish DemoPlugin
  • /plugins/DemoPlugin/Resources/assets/ Distribute to web directories /public/assets/plugins/DemoPlugin/

Update Plugin Composer Package

Composer all plugins.

fresns plugin:composer-update

// or

php artisan plugin:composer-update

Run Plugin Migrate

Migrate the given plugin, or without a plugin an argument, migrate all plugins.

fresns plugin:migrate

// or

php artisan plugin:migrate DemoPlugin

Rollback Plugin Migrate

Rollback the given plugin, or without an argument, rollback all plugins.

fresns plugin:migrate-rollback

// or

php artisan plugin:migrate-rollback DemoPlugin

Refresh Plugin Migrate

Refresh the migration for the given plugin, or without a specified plugin refresh all plugins migrations.

fresns plugin:migrate-refresh

// or

php artisan plugin:migrate-refresh DemoPlugin

Reset Plugin Migrate

Reset the migration for the given plugin, or without a specified plugin reset all plugins migrations.

fresns plugin:migrate-reset

// or

php artisan plugin:migrate-reset DemoPlugin

Run Plugin Seed

Seed the given plugin, or without an argument, seed all plugins.

fresns plugin:seed

// or

php artisan plugin:seed DemoPlugin

Install Plugin

Execute the plugin:unzipplugin:composer-updateplugin:migrateplugin:publish commands in that order.

fresns plugin:install /www/wwwroot/fresns/storage/plugins/

// or

php artisan plugin:install /www/wwwroot/fresns/storage/plugins/

Uninstall Plugin

Uninstall the plugin and select whether you want to clean the data of the plugin.

fresns plugin:uninstall --cleardata=true
fresns plugin:uninstall --cleardata=false

// or

php artisan plugin:uninstall DemoPlugin --cleardata=true
php artisan plugin:uninstall DemoPlugin --cleardata=false
  • /plugins/DemoPlugin/ Physically deletion the folder.
  • /public/assets/plugins/DemoPlugin/ Physically deletion the folder.
  • Remove the plugin composer dependency package (skip if the main application or another plugin is in use)
  • Logically deletion the value of the record where the fskey column of the plugins table is DemoPlugin.


Activate Plugin

fresns plugin:activate

// or

php artisan plugin:activate DemoPlugin

Deactivate Plugin

fresns plugin:deactivate

// or

php artisan plugin:deactivate DemoPlugin

Released under the Apache-2.0 License