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Post Detail

  • Endpoint Path: /api/v2/post/{pid}/detail
  • Method: GET
  • Request: Rest + Query

Headers Optional Parameter

Parameter NamePublic Mode (Required)Private Mode (Required)

Rest Params

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
pidStringrequiredPost PID

Query Params

Parameter NameTypeRequiredDescription
mapIdNumberoptionalMap Service Provider
mapLngStringoptionalMap Longitude (For distance calculation)
mapLatStringoptionalMap Latitude (For distance calculation)
whitelistKeysStringoptionalWhitelist key names, only returns key-value pairs for the given key names
Multiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays
blacklistKeysStringoptionalBlacklist key names, removes specified key-value pairs from the returned data
Multiple separated by English commas, supports "dot notation" for multi-dimensional arrays

Request Description

  • If in private mode, when expired at users->expired_at, you need to determine the status after expiration.
    • When the key value of the configuration table site_private_end_after is 1, this interface cannot be requested;
    • When the key value is 2, further judge the posting time. If posts->created_at posting time is greater than the expiration time users->expired_at, it will not be output; if the posting time is less than the expiration time, it means the content was posted before expiration and can be output.


    "code": 0,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": {
        "items": {
            "title": "String / SEO Title",
            "keywords": "String / SEO Keywords",
            "description": "String / SEO Description"
        "detail": {
            // Common Data Structure -> Post Info

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